Monday, March 10, 2008

An Open Letter to the Progressive Left

An Open Letter to the Progressive Left
By Justin A. Martell and Michael Jackman

During this primary season, many advocates for a new investigation into the events surrounding 9/11 have been greeted with a tremendous amount of hostility. The thing is, most of this hostility has not been from “right-wingers,” but mostly from members of the so called progressive left. As registered Democrats, we personally, have been told that we are an “embarrassment to the party,” and called names that we will not repeat. Why has the left shown so much hostility towards advocates of 9/11 truth and justice?

As of January, 2007, the Bush Administration had been caught telling 935 lies. No folks, we didn’t say mistakes, they told 935 LIES. The most audacious lies being the administration’s manipulation of intelligence used to get us into war with Iraq. These lies have, as of today, claimed a total of 3,975 in Iraq alone. The U.S. led occupation in Iraq has also claimed close to 90,000 Iraqi civilian lives. All of this death and destruction has been due bold-faced lies told by the Bush Administration.

What was just outlined in the paragraph above is not disputed by members of the progressive left or even by their beloved candidates, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). Why then, after this criminal administration has been caught in 935 lies, some of which have led to close to 100,000 deaths, is this administration given a free pass by the left when it comes to 9/11? While we don’t agree with labeling the ideas advanced by the 9/11 Truth Movement as conspiracy theories, let us, for the sake of the argument discuss the idea of conspiracy theories involving the Bush Administration. Please also remember, a conspiracy is, by definition, “an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.” Therefore, when the progressive left asserts that the President and his administration knowingly manipulated intelligence in order to lead our nation to war in Iraq, they are advancing what can be defined as a conspiracy theory. Is the left only interested in advancing conspiracy theories that are popular and accepted by the rest of their constituents?

Additionally, the Bush Administration fought very hard to stifle any inquiry into 9/11. If 9/11 was a major government failure, as is maintained by proponents of the official account, then wouldn’t the president and vice president want to know everything about that failure and reprimand or fire those responsible? Instead, we’ve seen two inquiries, one led by the Congress and one by the 9/11 Commission. Both of these inquiries were given limited access to information, and in the case of the 9/11 Commission, led by a White House insider. Even if the official version of events is true, how is this acceptable? Don’t the family members of the victims of 9/11 deserve to have answers as to why their loved ones are no longer with us? Don’t we, as Americans, deserve to know?

In conclusion, we implore the progressive left to support the millions of concerned citizens across the United States who are advocating for an independent inquiry into 9/11. Advocating for a real investigation into 9/11 is not subscribing to conspiracy theories. It’s subscribing to the idea of truth, accountability, and justice. What’s so bad about that? Remember, these people are proven liars, their lies have led to the deaths of thousands of people. Why should 9/11 be treated any differently?

Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

[Reposted from]

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